
ARCH653 Final Project

Final Project: API Programming

In the final project, I used API programming to control the pattern of Seattle library Building facades.  By using C# programming, I created curtain panels with random opening and also different tones of blue color for their framing.

1.       At the beginning, it is necessary to obtain the family ID (in the project's file), define the new transaction process and create the material for curtain panels' frame (My Material):

2.       Second step after obtaining the family ID (in the project's file), we need to specify the curtain panel IDs in different part of facades:

3.       Then we define a function for thickness and color using provided IDs, family document and material:

4.       The function “SetThicknessColor” will be implemented in three different steps for every single ID. Here is the logic of the orders:

a. Getting objects which are curtain panels
b. Obtaining instance parameters of panels which are "thickness" and "Frame material"
c. Calculating new values for these parameters
Finding a random thickness from (1, 3) for façades
Finding a random number in the range of (150, 250) and giving it to blue element of the color which create random color tone of blue. Then define red and green color by two formulas which related with the original random blue color. So we can get different tones of blue color on the frames.
d. Creating parameters using new values

5.       Finally, load the Curtain Panel.dll into Revit by using add-in manager, and run CurtainPanelByPatternCommand. The model will be modified like the following effect: