
ARCH 689-Final Project

Spring 2014
Xiaoxi Bi

Final project: Parametric Modeling and Genetic Algorithm Optimization Design

1.     Parametric form for the curved design

The final project is based on the project 1. First, based on the project 1’s grid, draw points at the intersections. Then, in Grasshopper, I draw 11 parallels curves along the x vector on the grid. Each curve has 7 control points. Based on the real project, the control points could be moved on z vector by different parameters. Then, loft these curves to make the surface.

   First, using rhino to draw a grid. The points are located at the intersections of the grid

   Eleven parallel curves are created in GH based on the control points which are set from the grid    in Rhino. These control points could be moved on z vector by different parameters

2.    Ecotect Analysis (by using Geco) 
Secondly, I use Geco (a grasshopper plugin) to analyze the roof surface solar radiation levels. To prepare for Ecotect analysis, the base surface need to be converted to a mesh in grasshopper. The mesh was imported into Ecotect where the radiation analysis was conducted. As the legend shows, the yellow areas are where heat loss is minimal, while blue is where heat loss is greatest. Then add a mesh color component in grasshopper, let the model in Rhino show the same colors as which are in Ecotect. 

The base surface is converted to a mesh.

The mesh was imported into Ecotect where the radiation analysis was conducted

   Set a mesh color component in grasshopper, let the model in Rhino show the same colors as      which are in Ecotect

3.    Optimization Design
Finally, using Galapagos (a grasshopper plugin) to optimize the design. The move distances on z vector of the control points on the original surface are the variables. The solar radiation is the fitness parameter. By using the Galapagos, the grasshopper will try to calculate the maximum solar radiation on the surface by changing the shape of the surface. As we can see at the end, the surface which is almost flat has the maximum radiation.

   Using Galapagos to optimize the design. The move distances on z vector of the control points    on the original surface are the variables. The solar radiation is the fitness parameter.

Galapagos is calculating the maximum solar radiation on the surface by changing the shape of the surface


ARCH 689-Project 1: Smithsonian Institution

ARCH 689-Project 1: Smithsonian Institution

Parametric Modeling Diagram 

ARCH 689-Project 1: Smithsonian Institution
Spring 2014
Xiaoxi Bi

Project 1: Parametric Modeling and Physically-based Form Finding

1.     Parametric form for the curved design

First of all, I want to do is figuring out the design logic of this project and create it in Rhino. Based on the real project, I draw a grid to define the boundary of the roof in Rhino. Then, in Grasshopper, I draw 11 parallels curves along the x vector on the grid. Each curve has 7 control points, which are also on the gird to define its form. After adjust these curves according to the shape of the real roof surface, I loft them to make my own surface. 

                      First, using rhino to draw a grid. The length and width are based on the real project.

Eleven parallel curves are created in GH based on the control points which are set from the grid in Rhino. Then, adjust them according to the similar shape of roof surface. Finally, loft these 11 curves to make a whole surface.

2.    Create a parametric, physically-based model 

      Secondly, I add several Kangaroo components to create the roof surface in another logic. First, using GH components to change the surface to a mesh model. Then set up the spring force for the whole mesh. Then create u-force on z vector for the mesh. And add more spring stiffness on two specific curves which are on the ridge of the mesh to constrain the deformation under the force.  

                  Changing the surface to a mesh model, and set up the force for the mesh and its elements.

                          Using Kangaroo component to simulate and create the shape under the force.

3.    Create the structure system

Finally, based on the mesh I created, I use Weaverbird polygons subdivision components to subdivide the mesh to a set of diagonal lines. Then copy the lines on z vector to set a     thickness of the structural system. Finally, grafting these two list of rhomboids and loft them by units to get the final structural form.  

        Using Weaverbird polygons subdivision components to subdivide the mesh to a set of diagonal lines.

                                               Loft the two layers of lines by units to get the final structural form.

4.    Curvature analysis

5.    Renderings


Parametric Modeling in Architecture ARCH-689: Smithsonian Institution

Appointment: 2004
Construction start: 2005
Completion: 2007
Area: (Canopy) 2 601 m²
Client: Smithsonian Institution
Architect: Foster +Partners
Collaborating Architect: Smith Group Inc.

The Smithsonian Institution occupies the former United States Patent Building, described by Walt Whitman as 'the noblest of Washington buildings'. Built between 1836 and 1867, the Patent Building is the finest example of Greek Revival architecture in the United States and a celebrated part of the capital's urban fabric. 

Now designated a National Historic Landmark, the building was rescued from demolition in 1958 by President Eisenhower, who transferred it to the Smithsonian to house the National Portrait Gallery and the Smithsonian American Art Museum. The enclosure of the building's grand central courtyard was prompted by a desire to transform the public's experience of the Smithsonian's galleries and create one of the largest event spaces in Washington.

The courtyard forms the centrepiece of the building's long-term renovation program, which included the redesign of the galleries with contemporary interactive displays, the addition of a conservation laboratory, an auditorium and greatly increased exhibition space. Visitors can enter the surrounding galleries from the courtyard, and out of museum hours the space regularly hosts a variety of social events, including concerts and public performances. Designed to do 'the most with the least', the fluid-form, fully glazed roof canopy develops structural and environmental themes first explored in the design of the roof of the Great Court at the British Museum, bathing the courtyard in daylight.

Structurally, the roof is composed of three interconnected vaults that flow into one another through softly curved valleys. The double-glazed panels are set within a diagrid of fins, clad in acoustic material, which together form a rigid shell that needs to be supported by only eight columns. Visually, the roof is raised above the walls of the existing building, clearly articulating new and old. Seen illuminated at night, this canopy appears to float above the Patent Building, symbolizing the cultural importance of the Smithsonian Institution and giving new life to a popular Washington landmark.

Reference:: http://www.fosterandpartners.com/projects/smithsonian-institution/