Modeling Diagram
ARCH 689-Project
1: Smithsonian Institution
Spring 2014
Project 1: Parametric Modeling and
Physically-based Form Finding
1. Parametric form for the curved design
of all, I want to do is figuring out the design logic of this project and
create it in Rhino. Based on the real project, I draw a grid to define the
boundary of the roof in Rhino. Then, in Grasshopper, I draw 11 parallels curves
along the x vector on the grid. Each curve has 7 control points, which are also
on the gird to define its form. After adjust these curves according to the
shape of the real roof surface, I loft them to make my own surface.
First, using rhino to draw a grid. The
length and width are based on the real project.
Eleven parallel
curves are created in GH based on the control points which are set from the
grid in Rhino. Then, adjust them according to the similar shape of roof surface.
Finally, loft these 11 curves to make a whole surface.
2. Create a parametric, physically-based model
I add several Kangaroo components to create the roof surface in another logic.
First, using GH components to change the surface to a mesh model. Then set up
the spring force for the whole mesh. Then create u-force on z vector for the
mesh. And add more spring stiffness on two specific curves which are on the
ridge of the mesh to constrain the deformation under the force.
Changing the surface to a mesh model,
and set up the force for the mesh and its elements.
Using Kangaroo component to simulate and
create the shape under the force.
3. Create the structure system
based on the mesh I created, I use Weaverbird polygons subdivision components
to subdivide the mesh to a set of diagonal lines. Then copy the lines on z
vector to set a thickness of the structural system. Finally, grafting these two
list of rhomboids and loft them by units to get the final structural form.
Using Weaverbird polygons subdivision
components to subdivide the mesh to a set of diagonal lines.
the two layers of lines by units to get the final structural form.
4. Curvature analysis
5. Renderings